Advantages and disadvantages of paper and digital portfolios

For a college project we have been asked to evaluate eight portfolios four paper based and four digital based.

While looking at the eight portfolios i have noted the advantages and disadvantages of there chosen portfolio.

Paper-based portfolio

Some advantages of paper-based portfolios are you will know the size and texture of the work so paper-based would be better for interviews or talks about your work.

Some disadvantages of paper-based are you are limited by how you move the portfolio around as the pieces of work might be quite large, another disadvantage is that the only way people can see your portfolio is if they come to see it or you show them it.

 I have also noticed that depending on the work some artists do, they may be restricted to only have photos of there art for instance: landscape sculptures as well as architecture and this disadvantage can work for digital-based portfolios but in my opinion it does not work with paper-based unless they show the process as well as the finished work.

Digital-based portfolio

Some advantages of digital-based portfolios are that everyone can access and see it if its online that is, it easy to transport if its on a pen drive, you can also use a digital portfolio to sell your work better then paper-based as the customer does not have to be there to purchase it.

Some disadvantages are really the advantages of the paper-based, you can't see the size or texture as its on a screen


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